Conversations That Set Your Heart on Fire – Episode 33

Become an unstoppable LEADER When you hear the word Leader. What thoughts or words come to min?? Join Bruce Sanchez, Certified High-Performance Coach for a heartfelt discussion on leadership and how you can become an unstoppable LEADER!!! Bruce will be joining Co-Hosts of 🔥 UPLIFT 🔥 Sarah Wade (from our Australian studios) Neil Thrussell (from […]
Conversations That Set Your Heart on Fire – Episode 32

Step Into Your Soul’s Calling – And Make A BIG Difference In The World Our guest for this episode of UPLIFT is Lisa Marie Platske, International best-selling author of 7 books, regular contributor for, and a certified master leadership coach. Lisa Marie left her action-packed life as a Federal law enforcement officer after 9/11 […]
Conversations That Set Your Heart on Fire – Episode 31

Confidence. Success. What are these to you? If you are looking for someone that could be a poster child for resilience. Keeping a healthy body and mindset when life is feeding you lemons. Scott McDermott will be joining Co-Hosts of 🔥 UPLIFT 🔥 Sarah Wade (from our Australian studios) Neil Thrussell (from our Canadian studios) […]